At last, the results!
Here's the list of all entries with the points they received from our three judges.
Evo rezultata!
Ispod je tablica sa svim kreacijama i bodovima za svaku.(Entries 14 and 3 had the same number of points, but 2/3 judges gave more points to entry no. 14 so this is why it ended up on 3rd place, one place higher than entry no. 3)
(Radovi 14 i 3 su imali isti broj bodova, no 2 od 3 suca su kreaciji 14 dali veće ocjene nego kreaciji 3, tako da je kreacija 14 rangirana više na tablici i na trećem je mjestu)
And here are the five winners! Congratulations, guys!
A ovo je pet dobitnika! Čestitamo, dečki! Nagrade/Prizes:1. place – 75043 – Star Wars: AT-AP
2. place – 41008 – Friends: Heartlake City Pool
3. place – 76015 – Spiderman: Doc Ock Truck Heist
4. place – €20 coupon in BrickLink store Alpine Bricks
5. place – €20 coupon in BrickLink store Alpine Bricks
Once again, thank you all for participating!
Još jednom, hvala svima na sudjelovanju! Vidimo se u nekoj novoj igri uskoro!